The 23rd annual American Heritage Festival is a grand scale, highly creative and interactive educational presentation of diverse civilian and military aspects of historic American life from Early America through the 20th century as portrayed by a large and experienced cast of historical interpreters assembled from around the country.
We are the largest and most diverse educational living history event in the Western United States, with something of interest for everyone. We also feature Arizona's original and largest display and battle reenactment of the American Revolution. We invite school groups and homeschool families to come, learn and be inspired! (Please note that the American Heritage Festival is open ONLY to school groups and homeschool families. The American Heritage Festival is NOT open to the general public.)
Included are reenactments, dramatic portrayals of both famous and everyday men, women, children, musicians, artisans, craftsmen, singers, colonists, pioneers, soldiers and more ranging from Early America, Colonial times, the American Revolution and the Founding Fathers through Frontier and Pioneer days, the Civil War, the Old West and on into the 20th century, the World Wars and beyond. An 18th century style church service in the fields based on the "Great Awakening" (Saturday only), speeches by famous Americans of the past, live historic music, an historic multi-century fashion show, historic medical demonstrations, interactive children's activities and of course battle reenactments are just a few of the many special features. Historic men, women and children are portrayed in diverse roles with something of interest to all.
The American Heritage Festival is educational, family friendly and nonpolitical.
The American Heritage Festival is ONLY open to registered school groups with reservations and to homeschool families.
The American Heritage Festival is NOT open to the general public.
Advance reservations for 2025 are open now!
Please read our House Standards for persons attending We Make History Living History Events HERE.
Special Days, Schedules and Admissions for 2025...
November 20th & 21st are School Days: We plan to be open Thursday, November 20th and Friday, November 21st for pre-registered school groups only. School groups may contact us here regarding special school field trip opportunities and making advance reservations while space allows. Please include your name, school and grade level in your inquiry. (Note: Homeschoolers may also attend our "school days" if they desire, though we highly recommend that homeschoolers opt for Saturday, a day designed especially with homeschoolers in mind!)
Tentative Schedule for Thursday, November 20tht and Friday, November 21st, 2025 (Times are approximate.)
(NOTE: Open Only to Pre-Registered School Groups*. This event is NOT open to the general public.) (*Homeschool groups may also attend though we highly recommend that they opt for Saturday, a day designed especially with homeschoolers in mind!)
8:45AM: Open
8:45AM - 1:00PM: Ongoing self-guided tour through American History visiting persons, displays and interactive exhibits covering many diverse and interesting facets of American life ranging from Early America through the 20th century.
12:00PM: Revolutionary War Battle
1:00PM: Close
November 22nd: We plan to be open for a special Homeschool Day to be offered on Saturday, November 22nd with some unique activities designed especially for homeschool families! Homeschoolers may contact us here regarding special homeschool reservations available for a limited time. Please include your name, city and the name of your homeschool organization or co-op. Please note that we begin accepting advance homeschool reservations in July. No advance reservations will be available after October 31st.
Homeschooling families who are interested in positive, creative education celebrating American History are welcome on Saturday, November 22nd as there will be inspirational education, exhibits and activities of interest to ALL AGES from young children to seniors!
Planned Schedule for Saturday, November 22nd, 2025:
(NOTE: Open Only to Homeschool Families. This event is not open to the general public.)
(Times are approximate. Changes are possible.)
10:00AM: Open
10:30AM: Great Awakening Church Service of the 1740s (HQ Tent)
11:15AM: Music of Early America & The Revolution (HQ Tent)
12:00PM: Revolutionary War Battle (Battlefield)
12:45PM: General George Washington (HQ Tent)
1:30PM: Historic Fashion Presentation (HQ Tent)
2:10PM: Civil War Battle (Battlefield) followed by Civil War Medical Demonstration (Medical Tent)
2:40PM: Music of The 1860s (HQ Tent)
3:00PM: Closed
Ongoing from 10:00-3:00: Tour through American History visiting persons, displays and interactive exhibits covering many diverse and interesting facets of American life ranging from Early America through the 20th century
Safety, Security & Standards for All Attending - Please Read
The majority of persons attending the American Heritage Festival are young people. As these events are NOT open to the general public, the young people are students attending with and overseen by their school teachers or homeschooling parents. As these events are non-public, youth oriented, educational events we are very serious about our rules and standards. Please read them.
Schnepf Farms is a farm and event site with grass which could possibly include dirt, dust, mud, potential allergies and potentially uneven ground. A significant amount of walking is required. Walking is a physical activity which could potentially carry the risk of occurrences such as trips, strains, falls or other accidents. Persons attending Schnepf Farms and the American Heritage Festival voluntarily do so at their own risk.
For everyone's safety and security ONLY our Registered Living History Team members and event staff are allowed into the American Heritage Festival in historic attire. No other persons may attend while wearing historic attire or costuming of any kind.
Attendees may not bring in weapons of any kind.
We do not allow alcoholic beverages, smoking or vaping.
No pets/animals are allowed.
No distribution of flyers or other materials is allowed.
For everyone's safety and security... We are sorry but we cannot allow outside beverages such as pop, any canned or bottled beverages, disposable bottled water, etc. into the event. (The one exception is a personal thermos / Hydroflask / Stanley Cup / non-disposable type water-filled bottle.) Bottled water, pop and snacks are available on site. School groups may bring in sack lunches (but not bottled or canned beverages) and sit and eat under the tree line or while walking and touring. Please note that groups choosing to bring their own lunches are responsible for their care and transport. The event does not handle or store lunches for groups.
Please be responsible and dispose properly of all trash.
Please ask first and do not touch display items without permission. Certain historic items may be handled while others are show-and-tell only and not for handling. Please always ask first. Historic weaponry may not be touched, handled or held by attendees under any circumstances.
The American Heritage Festival is a family friendly event designed to be a creative, interactive and inspirational educational experience for young people. Grace and respect are expected from all and to all.
For everyone's safety and security... We do not accept hostile behaviour or communications (whether in person or electronic) that include abusive, insulting, hateful, disparaging, vulgar or threatening language. Nor do we allow those to attend or participate who engage in such. Any persons whom we deem to be violators in this regard will be banned without refund. Likewise, attempts of any type of deceit or dishonesty regarding admissions, entry or participation will not be tolerated. Such would also be grounds for banning/expulsion.
We Make History Living History Events are family friendly events. Again, grace and respect from all and to all is required.
Please be aware that the American Heritage Festival is a rain or shine event.
We do not offer refunds.
Covid? We encourage all to be responsible and not to attend if you have cold or flu like symptoms or have been recently exposed to such. We also encourage all to bring their own personal hand sanitizer.
Please note that by visiting Schnepf Farms and the American Heritage Festival, you voluntarily assume all risks, including physical risks, property risks and all risks related to potential exposure to Covid-19 and other pathogens. Persons attending do so at their own risk of person and property.
Please also read our House Standards for persons attending We Make History Living History Events HERE.
We thank everyone for their support as we press on and move forward in serving families, students and communities through inspirational education!
Together... We Make History
A Few Comments, Quotes, Recommendations and Reviews from Happy Teachers, Parents and Administrators who have attended We Make History's Educational Living History Field Trip Events...
This event was spectacular! I am so grateful for the knowledgeable, passionate volunteers who put this together. No words can explain how much joy it brought me to see my students experience history for the first time. The Arizona community is so lucky and should be proud to have this opportunity to really step back in time and appreciate history and our heritage through stories and re-enactments. It was live! It was interactive! It was unforgettable! I recommend every teacher and student to go and soak it all in. It truly is a fun and educational trip. Nothing like it!
With Gratitude,
Sherry P.
Dear General Washington and the staff of We Make History,
Many thanks to you and all the wonderful volunteers who breathe life into the history of our country.
I took my 5th grade class to your event in Tucson. We had the privilege of meeting you, General Washington!
My class was impressed with the soldiers, both the Brits, Hessians and the Patriots, and they loved listening to Molly Pitcher and Ben Franklin. Doing the laundry, colonial style, was quite an experience! The class thought the battles were realistic and gave them a true idea of what it must have been like to stand on a colonial battlefield. The medical tent and surgeons gave us a graphic description of what the wounded soldiers experienced!
Without all of the dedicated volunteers of We Make History, none of this would have been possible. We thank you for all your time, preparation and authenticity!
This is the 4th year I have brought my class to this amazing event. I will continue to come as long as I am teaching, and you are presenting this 'slice of history" to the children!
Thank you to everyone. And a special thanks to General George Washington! You set the tone for the whole amazing day!
All the best,
Debbie B.
Tucson, AZ
To fellow teachers,
Last year my class and I attended the American Heritage Festival and I am so excited to attend again this fall! As a fifth grade teacher, I expected the event to cover the history basics my students would learn throughout the year. I could never have anticipated the positive effect this event had on my fifth graders! The students found themselves completely emerged in America's history, from pre-Revolution to World War II. The learning that took place that day could never have been duplicated in my classroom. History was indeed brought to life that day for my students, and it stayed with them throughout the year. I was able to refer back to the event during lessons on the Revolution, westward movement, Civil War, and in comparing the past to the present. When wrapping up the school year, I asked the class to list some of their favorite events. Without fail, this festival appeared on every student's list! I have advised all of my coworkers that this is a must-see event for all students, and I hope that many more teachers allow their students to step into the past. I can't thank “We Make History” enough for making it possible for history to come to life for my students through the American Heritage Festival! It's something all of us should experience.
Gilbert, AZ
Our 6th graders immensely enjoyed their time at the American Heritage Festival. I witnessed students who rarely participate in a classroom setting running from exhibit to exhibit with the utmost enthusiasm. Those working the event were friendly and knowledgeable. All of the students had a wonderful time and they learned a great deal.
M. Bustos
Phoenix, AZ
We Make History,
I would like to take a moment to express my delight at this year's American Heritage Festival. I have now attended the festival for four years running and have always thought the festival an outstanding experience, but this year the festival was simply amazing! The small touches such as groups being met at the gate by historical figures and then introduced to General Washington prior to exploring the festival were extremely effective in gaining the interest of my students. The living historians did an excellent job of drawing in the pupils and then involving them with hands on activities. The addition of the Civil War "field hospital" where amputations were demonstrated was a huge success - especially with the boys.
Your devotion and efforts towards teaching history are not only greatly appreciated; they are highly successful.
Kind regards,
Mrs. D.
Mesa, AZ
I have taught for 29 years and have never seen students so enthusiastic about a field trip!
Marana, AZ
The American Heritage Festival was an unforgettable experience for my students. As a teacher, I try to provide them with opportunities to engage in history. My students had an unbelievably good time learning about history through reenactments, conversations with the wonderful actors, and getting hands-on experience with historical artifacts. It is a trip that has earned its reputation for being one of the most memorable field trips of the year. Thank you We Make History and the American Heritage Festival for bringing history to life and making it so fun for our community. We are incredibly lucky and grateful.
Mrs. P.
Phoenix, AZ
The event was a blast! It was extremely educational and interactive. Students were able to watch a reenactment, participate in several games, use things from the era such as washboards etc. They were able to talk to the presenters and ask questions, complete a scavenger hunt, and enjoy many different aspects of the time period. This is no doubt one of the best field trips I have taken my classes to and will continue to participate.
Tucson, AZ
Thank you so much for an amazing experience at the Phoenix Liberty Festival. We all learned so much!
Surprise, AZ
Dear We Make History,
We wanted to take this opportunity to let you know how much our students, parent chaperones, and teachers all absolutely enjoyed this year's American Heritage Festival. Our 5th Graders were talking about it for weeks afterwards! There was not a moment when students were not fully engaged and having fun with so much to see and do.
We loved touring all of the historical encampments. A few of our favorites were interacting with Revolutionary War and Civil War soldiers, exploring the colonial cooking/clothing tables, and learning how to write with quills and ink at the prairie school.
We will 100% recommend this field trip to other teachers and schools. This festival encompasses multiple time periods throughout American history, which in turn aligns with multiple grade level state social studies standards. The American Heritage Festival is a learning experience that students will always remember, one in which history actually comes to life!
Thank you We Make History!!
5th Grade Team
Queen Creek, AZ
My school attended the American Liberty Festival in Tucson, AZ and it was an amazing experience. It was professionally run, organized, and the participants were very knowledgeable as they were able to answer many questions. Our 5th graders were able take the learning that had been taking place during the quarter and apply it to the artifacts, displays, and re-enactments that were presented. It was a perfect field trip to wrap up our unit and make our learning memorable. When returning to school, our students created collaborative presentations in the form of a talk show using pictures they took on the field trip demonstrating their learning and experience. Their excitement at the field trip and their final products were phenomenal. I am so looking forward to attending this field trip next year. Thank you!
Monica B.
Marana, AZ
Hats off to the American Heritage Festival and everyone who worked so hard to put it together!!!
I took 65 students from two different schools to the American Heritage Festival. I heard nothing but terrific comments from students and parents upon our return to school.
We researched the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and many great Americans before we went to the Festival so they had an idea of what they were going to see. It was much more than they expected and helped to make this part of American history more meaningful
to them.
The week after our wonderful adventure at the AHF we put our research and our experiences together to write about what we had learned.
George and Martha Washington and three lovely young ladies were gracious enough to visit the students and their parents at our school. What a wonderful finale to our adventure.
We hope to do it again next year!
I can't thank you enough for making history come alive for my students!
Gifted Teacher
Queen Creek, Arizona
I wanted to thank you all for a wonderful experience at the school day for the American Heritage Festival. I brought my fifth grade class, along with four others, and I can't tell you how valuable the experience was for all of us. The students walked away with a greater appreciation for the difficulties faced by our forefathers. The reenactors they encountered took the time to make careful explanations, and were courteous and friendly at all times. After only a week has passed, I have already used the event several times to illustrate our history lessons. You have provided an experience which brings history to life, and the students will not forget it. Thank you for all you do!
Mrs. C.
5th Grade Teacher Gilbert, Arizona
Our 5th grade attends the American Heritage Festival each year. It is a wonderful opportunity for our students to explore the evolution of this country, from its first settlers to its present. The reenactments really bring the past to life and deepen their appreciation for the nation's history. Thank you to everyone involved!
Ms. Martinez
Queen Creek, AZ
Hello! I teach 5th grade in Tucson and have come to your Tucson Liberty event for the last four years! From meeting General Washington, to watching the battle re-enactments, it is a memorable day of learning.
Thank you for bringing history to life!
All the best,
Tucson, AZ
Thanks for another great Phoenix Liberty Festival! We all had an amazing time. Some of our students tried to stump a few of the soldiers with some very tricky questions, but the soldiers were so knowledgeable they couldn’t be stumped! Great job to your entire team! We will certainly be back next year.
Cave Creek, AZ
I took a small class of 4th grade students and 3 chaperones to the festival this year. I have also taken 5th grade classes in the past. All of the presenters were amazing as they are every year. My students were very engaged with the presenters filling in their worksheets and the presenters were very good at providing details. The hands-on exhibits were great, the students ground coffee, rolled dough, and learned about medical practices from that time. They also enjoyed the music and the lesson about the song "Yankee Doodle". As always, the reenactments were great and the kids all started chanting U.S.A. They even added more to the chant this year.
Marana, AZ
Thank you very much for the invite again to attend your amazing event. Our students and staff had an amazing time last year. Wow, words simply don’t explain the fun and knowledge we all gained that day.
CB Higley, AZ
"Hello Lovely People at the American Heritage Festival!
My students are so excited to have the opportunity to attend this year's festival. My previous 8th graders have always come back from this trip more excited than ever about social studies and our common, great, American heritage.
Thank you again so much for providing our students of Arizona the most interactive, memorable, and engaging historical field trips I have ever been a part of."
SP Phoenix, AZ
Thank you so much for putting on such a wonderful event! The question page was great and kept my students on task. We loved getting to learn and experience all the different booths, activities, and battle reenactments! We had a wonderful time. Thank you so much for all the hard work and time that was put into the event! We will be attending again in the future!
Mesa, AZ
We Make History,
I am pleased to say that our students and parent chaperones loved the festival. I and my fellow teachers found the event highly educational and we were able to meet many state standards.
Our school will certainly plan to attend next year.
2nd Grade Teacher
Mesa, AZ
I am a Fifth Grade teacher in the Cave Creek area. I have been bringing my students to this reenactment field trip for the past three years and think it's so invaluable for learning about our own history. During the day, they interact with William Bradford, speak with George Washington, and even get to hang with President Lincoln. My students can ask questions, perform tasks, and dive into a living history of the birth of our great nation. The highlight is definitely the battle reenactments. We see the troops assembling, watch them marching, hear the drums, watch the British in their bright red coats, and even see the pockets of militia troops sneaking off to the sidelines.... it's truly a wonderful experience. Every new school year, my students hear about the trip, and can't wait to go! It's a must-see field trip!
Chris S.
Cave Creek, AZ
American Heritage Festival,
If acceptable, I would like to have our students dress properly for this field trip as we did last year. I believe having them research roles, attire, etc. along with choosing their particular era truly enhanced their experience. Every single one of my students thoroughly enjoyed this event and took back vast amounts of knowledge along with a greater sense of respect for the history we are teaching in the fifth grade curriculum. Numerous items learned at the American Heritage Festival were brought up and pointed out by the students as we journeyed through time all the way through the Civil War Era. It was so exciting to see and hear the students reinforcing their own learning with details of various elements learned from this lone field trip throughout the entire year of Social Studies learning. Truly wonderful!
Thank you for your support and continued focus on providing a way for children (and adults) to 'live, learn, and love' our American history.
Connie L.
5th Grade Teacher
Tucson, AZ
Dear We Make History Team,
We had a wonderful time at the American Heritage Festival. We spoke with a young British soldier who was out of this world! He not only knew the history incredibly well, but also was engaging with the students and parent volunteers. It was neat to see the new exhibits that we did not see in years past, like Rosy. The students loved climbing on the tractors, and we got many cute pictures. The children preferred the hands-on exhibits, especially the military drills.
We always appreciate our time at the festival. A huge thank you to all of the devoted and well-versed volunteers.
5th Grade Team
Scottsdale, AZ
To whom it may concern:
I attended the festival for the first time last year. I found the festival to be well-organized and of high academic value and interest to my students. My students were able to observe firsthand the authentic recreation of the clothing, weapons, and household items from many different time periods as well as the language and social customs. In addition, my students were thrilled to “meet” such famous Americans as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
As a teacher, I was thrilled that the festival met many required state standards regarding history, writing, and drama and I was able to implement our trip to the festival into many of my classroom lessons.
I truly believe that history is best taught through submersion and hands on activities, and in this the American Heritage Festival succeeds in all aspects. My students learned more about American history in the two hours spent at the festival than I could have taught them in an entire semester.
Needless to say, my school will not only return to the festival this year, but every year as I now consider The American Heritage Festival to be one of my annual field trips.
Second Form Lead Teacher
I appreciate you all and I look forward to the festival. My students will be so excited to come back. I have a feeling it's going to be the best one yet!
Thanks again for all you do for our community. We are lucky to have an organization like you guys to keep history alive for our kids!
Phoenix, AZ
Hello Tucson Liberty Festival Organizers and Volunteers!
The Tucson Liberty Festival did not disappoint! Our fifth grade students loved the exhibits, hands-on activities, and reenactments! Thanks so much for allowing us this great opportunity to learn more about our nation's history!
Warm regards,
Julie S.
Marana, AZ
Thank you for a great day out for our 4th graders.
Laura R.
Chandler, AZ
Hello General!
Last year’s event was the first time my school has attended and we were so pleasantly surprised! The event was AMAZING!!! We will most certainly be back every year!
Thank you so much and have a great day!
San Tan Valley, AZ
Dear General Washington and the staff of We Make History,
Many thanks to you and all the wonderful volunteers who breathe life into the history of our country.
I took my 5th grade class to your event in Tucson. We had the privilege of meeting you, General Washington!
My class was impressed with the soldiers, both the Brits, Hessians and the Patriots, and they loved listening to Molly Pitcher and Ben Franklin. Doing the laundry, colonial style, was quite an experience! The class thought the battles were realistic and gave them a true idea of what it must have been like to stand on a colonial battlefield. The medical tent and surgeons gave us a graphic description of what the wounded soldiers experienced!
Without all of the dedicated volunteers of We Make History, none of this would have been possible. We thank you for all your time, preparation and authenticity!
This is the 4th year I have brought my class to this amazing event. I will continue to come as long as I am teaching, and you are presenting this 'slice of history" to the children!
Thank you to everyone. And a special thanks to General George Washington! You set the tone for the whole amazing day!
All the best,
Debbie B.
Tucson, AZ
We appreciate your efforts with the American Heritage Festival. The students got a taste of history and enjoyed their time there. Thank you!
Mrs. Jill C.
Glendale, Arizona
Dear We Make History Team,
Our 5th Grade has attended your reenactment for the past two years. Our students love the open air, interactive format of the field trip. The conversations between the students and characters solidifies their in-class learning and gives them a visual memory to connect with the research and reading they have done in class. The students are transported in time to the 1700’s and come back talking about the battle, the dress, and the interactive stations that interested them.
We love bringing the Revolution to life for our students. Thank you for your dedication to the children.
Scottsdale, AZ
Thank you for allowing my class to participate in the Liberty Festival! It was our best field trip this year!
Tucson, AZ
Thank you for a wonderful experience for our students! We truly enjoyed seeing history come to life. The students really enjoyed the Revolutionary War battle reenactments. They also enjoyed all of the hands-on stations. When we returned to school they all shared so many interesting facts they learned from all of the interviews at each station. Students were extremely enthusiastic to share their new information. They loved the garden, the blacksmith, the first aid station, playing sticks and jump rope, hearing the music, walking in formation with the wooden muskets, interviewing the actors, learning about the clothing from colonial times, the writing station and so much more!
Thank you for a great experience! We will certainly return next year!
The colonial flag souvenirs were certainly a hot commodity and in huge demand!
Thanks again!
Carrie K.
Cave Creek, AZ
The students had a wonderful time!
Nan V.
Montessori School
Phoenix, Arizona
Thanks so much! We had a wonderful experience and I know the students learned a great deal about the time period. We appreciate you!
Kristi R.
Chandler, AZ
We went to the American Liberty Festival yesterday. We Make History put on a great event! It was even better than I expected it would be! The costumes and characters were very authentic and the kids loved asking questions and learning from the re-enactors. The battles were definitely a highlight. I'm a bit of a history nerd, but I learned a few things too. It was a totally immersive learning experience that the kids are still talking about days later!
Peoria, AZ
I took my girls to the American Liberty Festival Revolution reenactment and I have to tell you that hearing George Washington speak was extremely moving. I totally fell into the experience and being able to ask him what he would think of what is going on now was like going to your father for advice. I almost cried when it was over - I truly wish we had a George Washington to lead us now- we need him more than ever. I can see how he had such a loyal following. I wish we had politicians that wanted to contribute to their country like he did, instead of seeing what they can get from it. :( Thank you for all the hard work that you do. We hope to go to more events in the future. Here's to many more years! :D
Gilbert, AZ
Wow, what a GREAT event! Just wanted to thank you for a very well put-together event. It was very impressive, and I'm sure our school will be back.
Josh E.
Gilbert, Arizona
We had a wonderful time last year and hope to make this our annual field trip. Thank you for all you do to teach history in such a fun and interactive way.
Ms. D.
7th Grade Teacher
Higley, AZ
Our 3rd graders attended The Tucson Liberty Festival field trip and were highly impressed with the variety of hands-on activities, historical knowledge of the volunteers, and organization that was put into this event. Our 3rd graders study the American Revolution and they loved being able to "go back in time" and ask questions to George Washington, the colonists, and the Redcoats. I know this event made a memorable impact on our scholars and their knowledge of what it was truly like back in the 1700's.
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to American history.
Oro Valley
Hello! We had so much fun last year at the American Heritage Festival that our 5th Grade would love to plan another year with you!
Gilbert, AZ
We attended your event, and we all loved it! Thank you so much for putting this event together, it is a blessing to our community.
5th Grade Teacher
Mesa, AZ
Thank you for putting on this AMAZING event. It was everything we were hoping for and MORE!
Cave Creek, AZ
Thank you so much!
It was my first time to attend the festival, and I was really impressed. The students were engaged and enjoyed the interactive displays and activities. Thank you for all you do to help history come alive for the students!
Gilbert, AZ
Our 3rd graders attended the American Heritage Festival last year and absolutely loved it. We will be booking the field trip again this year in November!
Scottsdale, AZ
Hello! I am interested in scheduling a field trip again this year for our group of 6th graders. Our students thoroughly enjoyed the field trip last year, as did our faculty.
Phoenix, AZ
We LOVED it! My kids especially enjoyed the battle reenactments and the demonstration of Revolutionary War surgery. That one was very popular. :-) It was also delightful to run into one of my former elementary school students working the blacksmith demonstration! What a great opportunity for all young people -- and old ones, too. I know how much time and work has to go into these to be sure everything works out well, costumes all fit, everyone knows how to do everything, etc. What a tremendous undertaking, and so terribly important today!
Elizabeth P.
Phoenix, AZ
Thank you for a great event! We had a memorable time at the Phoenix Liberty Festival. Our kids (& I) learned a lot from the different tents—food tent, medical tent, music, arms, etc. The battle reenactment was great as well. With so many hands-on activities, you brought the colonial era to life. Thanks so much! We are looking forward to future events.
Phoenix, AZ
Our teachers and students had a blast!
Mary Ann
Tucson, AZ
I wanted to reach out and just say thank you on behalf of my grade level for hosting the Phoenix Liberty Festival two weeks ago! I had some classes who would like to send physical thank you letters. Would you by chance be open to receiving handwritten letters expressing our students' thanks?
Thank you again!
Scottsdale, AZ
We appreciate your efforts with the American Heritage Festival. The students got a taste of history and enjoyed their time there. Thank you!
Mrs. Jill C.
Glendale, Arizona
Thank you for putting on such a fabulous event. The volunteers are amazing and I loved watching their interaction with the kids. We felt so blessed to have the opportunity to attend!
Cortaro, AZ
Our kids loved our visit! Thank you so much for having something that the West side schools can participate in. I was very excited and grateful to see the Phoenix Liberty Festival - it really made for a fantastic trip that completely tied into so many 5th grade Standards, and more importantly, brought history to life for my kids.
Thanks again!
Glendale, AZ
This is just a quick note to thank you for the privilege of participating in the American Liberty Festival last week. It was a wonderful experience and all of your associates were a joy and a delight to get to know. I can't remember having worked with a better group of dedicated people! Again, thanks so much for allowing me to participate in the fun last week.
Best Always,
Kingman, AZ
Thank you for the fun event. My kids had a great time and my 11 year old son is excited about one day participating in a battle.
We homeschool. This year and next year we are studying American History. We just happened to be in the middle of the Revolutionary War during your wonderful event.
Thank you again for all the hard work and bringing history alive.
Flagstaff, AZ